Storehouse Clerk (4-5 players) K287 倉庫主

Whenever you have at least 5 stone at the start of a round, you receive 1 extra stone. If you have at least 6 reed, you receive 1 reed. If you have at least 7 clay, you receive 1 clay. If you have at least 8 wood, you receive 1 wood.
⇒ [Only resources in your personal supply count. Resources on cards in front of you, such as the Copse I78 or the Resource Seller K310, do not count.]
⇒ [資材は、あなたのストックにある物だけをカウントする。雑木林(I78)や資材商人(K310)の上にある資材はカウントしない。]
⇒ [If you receive resources at the start of the round because of occupations or minor improvements, you may take them before you use the Storehouse Clerk.]
⇒ [小さい進歩や職業の効果でラウンドの開始時に資材を受け取れる場合、倉庫主の効果を適用する前にこれらの資材を手に入れてよい。]