

最近「横浜あたりにボードゲームスペースがあったら面白いかなー」などということをぼんやりと考えてます。実行に移す気とかはまったくなく、妄想のレベルではあるんですが。 ボードゲームカフェの成立要件については、以下に興味深い考察があります。 ボー…


なじさん(@naji_yuruyuru)の主催で、6/19 に「家で冬眠しているゲームにスポットライトを当てる会」略して「冬眠ゲーム会」を開催します。 場所 川崎市生涯学習プラザ 202会議室 東急線 武蔵小杉駅から徒歩10分くらいです。 大きな地図で見る 時間 とりあえ…

Fence Builder (1-5 players) I263 柵立て

When you play this card, place one of your fences on an action space of your choice. If you use an action on this action space, you can also build fences as an additional action. このカードをプレイしたら、アクションスペースをひとつ選び、あ…

Water Carrier (1-5 players) I262 水運び

Once any player has built the Well A10, place 1 food on the remaining round spaces. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the food. 誰かが井戸(A10)を作ったら、その後のラウンドスペースすべてに食料1を置く。これらのラウンドの開始時に、あ…

Outrider (4-5 players) I261 乗馬従者

Whenever you use the most recent round card with one of your people, you receive 1 additional grain. あなたは最も新しいラウンドカードのアクションを行うたび、小麦1を得る。 ⇒ [You receive the grain before you've taken the action. For example…

Taster (4-5 players) I260 毒見役

Whenever another player is the starting player, you can pay them 1 food at the start of the round and be the first to place a family member. After that, play starts with the starting player as usual. 他のプレイヤーがスタートプレイヤーのと…

Animal Dealer (3-5 players) I259 家畜追い

Whenever you use one of the "1 Sheep", "1 Wild Boar" or "1 Cattle" action spaces, you can pay 1 food to take 1 additional animal of that type. 「羊1」「猪1」「牛1」のアクションスペースを使うたび、食料1を支払って同じ種類の家畜を追加で一匹得…

Cabinetmaker (3-5 players) I258 家具職人

In each harvest, the Cabinetmaker can convert up to 1 wood to 2 food. 収穫のたび、家具職人は木材最大1を食料2に換えられる。

Street Musician (4-5 players) I257 街頭の音楽家

You receive 1 grain whenever another player takes the "Travelling Players" action on an action space. 他のプレイヤーがアクションスペースで「小劇場」のアクションを行うたび、あなたは小麦1を得る。 ⇒ If the player who takes the "Travelling pla…

Stone Carver (1-5 players) I256 石工

In each harvest, the Stone Carver can convert up to 1 stone to 3 food. 収穫のたび、石工は石材最大1を食料3にできる。

Fence Deliveryman (1-5 players) I265 柵運び

Add 6 and 10 to the number of the current round. Place 4 of your fences on each corresponding round space. At the start of these rounds, you can pay 2 food to build all 4 fences immediately. 現在のラウンドに6と10を足し、それらのラウンドの…

Fencer (4-5 players) I264 柵作り

Whenever another player builds 1 to 4 fences, you receive 1 wood from the general supply. Whenever another player builds 5 or more fences, you receive 2 wood. 他のプレイヤーが柵を1〜4本立てた場合、あなたは共通のストックから木材1を受け取る…

Pieceworker (1-5 players) K268 出来高労働者

Whenever you receive wood, clay, reed, stone or grain on an action space, you can buy one more of the same good for 1 food. Whenever you receive vegetable(s) on an action space, you can buy one more for 2 food. 木材、レンガ、葦、石材、小麦…

Adoptive Parents (1-5 players) K267 養父母

When you take a family growth action, you can pay 1 food to immediately place the offspring in your home. This allows you to take an action with it this round. If you do this, the offspring does not count as "newborn". 「家族を増やす」アク…

Serf (4-5 players) K266 畑好き

Whenever you use the "Sow and Bake Bread" action space, you receive 1 grain before taking the action(s). Alternatively, you can exchange 1 grain for 1 vegetable. 「種をまく そして パンを焼く」のアクションスペースを使うたび、アクションを行…

Wet Nurse (1-5 players) K270 乳母

Whenever you build room(s), you may grow your family by up to the number of rooms that you build, if you have the room to house the new family members. This costs 1 food per person. あなたは増築するたびに、最大で増築した部屋数分だけ家族を…

Acrobat (4-5 players) K269 曲芸師

Whenever you use the "Travelling players" action on an action space, after all of the players have finished their turns you may move that person to one of the "Take 1 Grain", "Plough 1 Field" and "Plough Field and Sow" action spaces, if it…

Perpetual Student (4-5 players) K275 ぶらつき学生

Whenever you can play an occupation card, you can ask another player to randomly draw one of your occupation cards instead of choosing one yourself. If you do this, you receive 3 food before you pay the costs of the card, but you must play…

Organic Farmer (1-5 players) K274 有機農業者

At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each [of your pastures] that contains at least 1 animal, but could contain at least 3 more animals than it does. あなたはゲーム終了時、最低1匹は家畜がいて、かつ3匹以上収容能力に空きがあ…

Basin Maker (4-5 players) K273 骨細工

For each wild boar that you convert into food, you can place up to 2 wood from your personal supply on this card. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each wood on this card except the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th. 食料に換えた…

Frame Builder (1-5 players) K272 梁打ち

In each renovation, you may replace exactly 1 clay or 1 stone with 1 wood. In each extension, you may replace exactly 2 clay or 2 stone with 1 wood. 改築のたび、あなたはレンガ1または石材1を木材1で代用しても良い。増築のたび、あなたはレンガ2…

Educator (4-5 players) K271 職業訓練士

Whenever another player plays an occupation card, you can pay 3 food to play one yourself. From your 4th occupation, this only costs 2 food. 他のプレイヤーが職業カードをプレイするたび、あなたは食料3を支払い職業カードをプレイできる。職業4枚…

Constable (3-5 players) K276 Constable 村長

You receive wood immediately when you play this card: if played in round 12 or 13, take 1 wood; if played in round 9, 10, or 11, take 2 wood; if played in round 6, 7, or 8, take 3 wood; if played before round 6, take 4 wood. At the end of …