
Manufacturer (3-5 players) K277 工場主

Once you have a clay hut or a stone house, the Joinery A7, Pottery A8 and Basketmaker's Workshop A9 are minor improvements for you and their cost is reduced by 2 building resources of your choice. レンガか石の家に住み次第、家具製作所(A7)、…

Forester (1-5 players) K278 林務官

Whenever you use a sowing action, you can plant wood on this card. There can be up to 3 stacks of wood on this card, as shown. The wood is treated the same as sown grain and is harvested during the Field phase. あなたは種をまくアクションを…

Scholar (1-5 players) K279 学者

Once you have a stone house, at the start of a round you can always either pay 1 food to play an occupation card or play an improvement card by paying its costs. あなたは石の家に住み次第、毎ラウンドの開始時に食料1を支払い職業カードをプレイ…

Tanner (3-5 players) K280 革なめし工

When you convert wild boar or cattle to food, place them on this card. At the end of the game, you receive bonus points if you have animal markers on this card. For the wild boar on this card, you receive: 6 or more wild boar, 3 points; 4 …

Travelling Salesman (1-5 players) K281 行商人

Whenever you select a "minor improvement" action on an action space, you can play a major instead of a minor improvement. If you select a "major or minor improvement" action on an action space, you can play 2 minor improvements. あなたは、…

Wood Distributor (1-5 players) K284 木材配り

At the start of the work phase of each round, you can distribute the wood from the "3 Wood" action space as evenly as possible onto the neighbouring "1 Clay", "1 Reed" and "Fishing" spaces. When you play this card, you receive 2 wood. 各ラ…

Wood Deliveryman (1-5 players) K283 木材運び

Place 1 wood on each remaining spaces for rounds 8 to 14. At the start of these rounds, you receive the wood. ラウンド8から14のうちまだ始まっていないラウンドにそれぞれ木材1を置く。これらのラウンドの開始時に、その木材を得る。 ⇒ You do not r…

House Steward (3-5 players) K282 執事

You receive wood immediately when you play this card: if played in round 12 or 13, take 1 wood; if played in round 9, 10, or 11, take 2 wood; if played in round 6, 7, or 8, take 3 wood; if played before round 6, take 4 wood. At the end of …

Smallholder (1-5 players) K286 小農夫

Your pastures that can hold 2 animals can hold 3 animals. While you have at most 2 fields, add 1 extra grain or vegetable from the general supply to each field you sow. あなたの牧場は通常は家畜2匹までのところを3匹まで飼える。あなたの持って…

Tinsmith (3-5 players) K285 ブリキ職人

You can convert clay into food at any time. You receive 1 food per clay. If any player has built a Well A10, you receive 3 food for each 2 clay instead. あなたはいつでも、レンガ1を食料1に換えられる。誰かが井戸(A10)を作った後は、あなたはレ…

早指しアグリコラ - 10秒ルール

GWのボードゲーム合宿で、半ばネタ的にプレイした「早指しアグリコラ」のルールを紹介します。 ルール キッチンタイマーを使い、1手10秒の制限をつけてアグリコラをプレイします。 泥沼拡張の導入が前提です。 病院を使うためです。 自分の番が回ってきたら…