
Countryman (4-5 players) K289 営農家

After all players have placed their people, you may move one of your people from a "Take 1 Grain" or "Take 1 Vegetable" action space to a free action space with a "sow" action. 全プレイヤーが人々を配置し終えた後、「種をまく」のアクションス…

Storehouse Keeper (4-5 players) K288 倉庫番

Whenever you use a person's action to take reed and stone at the same time, you also receive your choice of 1 clay or 1 grain. 葦と石材を同時に取るアクションスペースを使うたび、レンガ1か小麦1を追加で得る。 ⇒ [Is only activated by the actio…

Storehouse Clerk (4-5 players) K287 倉庫主

Whenever you have at least 5 stone at the start of a round, you receive 1 extra stone. If you have at least 6 reed, you receive 1 reed. If you have at least 7 clay, you receive 1 clay. If you have at least 8 wood, you receive 1 wood. ラウ…

Cattle Breeder (4-5 players) K295 牛飼い

Your cattle breed at the end of round 12, if there is space for the calf. When you play this card, you receive 1 cattle. あなたの牛はラウンド12の最後に繁殖する。ただし繁殖するスペースが必要。このカードをプレイしたらすぐに牛1を得る。

Brushwood Collector (3-5 players) K294 柴結び

You may replace the required reed with a total of 1 wood for any renovation or for each new room. (You use brushwood to make the roof.) 各部屋の増築やすべての改築について、必要な葦を合計木1で代用してもよい。(柴で屋根を作るということ) ⇒ Can…

Ploughman (1-5 players) K293 鋤手

Add 4, 7 and 10 to the number of the current round and place 1 field on each corresponding round space. At the start of these rounds, you can plough that field by paying 1 food. 現在のラウンドに4, 7, 10を加え、そのラウンドのスペースに畑タ…

Market Woman (1-5 players) K292 露天商の女

Whenever you receive vegetables through a person's action or through a minor improvement, you receive an additional 2 grain. アクションスペースまたは、小さい進歩の効果であなたが野菜を得るたび、あなたは追加で小麦2を得る。 ⇒ Is not activated…

Lover (3-5 players) K291 愛人

When you play this card, immediately carry out a "Family growth even without room" action (similar to the round card from stage 5). Playing this card costs you an additional 4 food. このカードをプレイしたらすぐに、「家族を増やす 部屋がなく…

Clay Worker (1-5 players) K290 レンガ職人

Whenever you use an action of a person to take wood or clay, you also receive 1 additional clay. 木材かレンガを取るアクションスペースを使うたびに、あなたはさらにレンガ1を得る。 ⇒ [Is activated when you use an action space on which wood or …

Slaughterman (3-5 players) K299 畜殺人

Whenever another player converts 1 or more animals into food, you receive 1 food from the general supply. In the feeding phase of the harvest, you are the last player to feed your family (so you can benefit if other players slaughter). 他…

Shepherd Boy (4-5 players) K298 羊番

Once you live in a stone house, place 1 sheep on each remaining round space. At the start of these rounds, you receive the sheep. 石の家に住み次第、それ以降のラウンドのスペースに羊1を置く。これらのラウンドの開始時に、その羊を得る。 ⇒ If yo…

Sheep Farmer (3-5 players) K297 羊農

Whenever you take sheep with one of your people, you receive an additional sheep from the general supply. You can exchange 3 sheep for 1 cattle and 1 wild boar at any time (except during the breeding phase). あなたはアクションスペースから…

Seed Seller (3-5 players) K296 種屋

Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action space, you receive 1 additional grain. When you play this card, you receive 1 grain. あなたは「小麦1を取る」のアクションスペースを使うたび、追加で小麦1を得る。このカードをプレイしたらすぐに、小麦1…

Veterinarian (4-5 players) K304 獣医

When you play this card, place 4 sheep cubes, 3 wild boar cubes and 2 cattle cubes in a container. At the start of each round, draw two animals. If they are the same, keep one. Return the 1 or 2 animals to the container. このカードをプレイ…

Stone Breaker (4-5 players) K303 石打ち

At any time, you can renovate your clay hut to a stone house without using a "Renovation" action space. あなたはいつでも、「改築」のアクションスペースを使わずにレンガの家を石の家に改築することができる。 ⇒ You must still pay the costs of th…

Pig Whisperer (4-5 players) K302 猪使い

Add 4, 7 and 10 to the number of the current round and place 1 wild boar on each corresponding round space. At the start of these rounds, you receive the wild boar. 現在のラウンドに4, 7, 10を足し、それらのラウンドのスペースにそれぞれ猪1を…

Wood Carver (1-5 players) K301 彫刻家

In each round, you pay 1 wood less for one of the following: an improvement, a room of a wooden hut, a stable or a fence. 各ラウンドに1回、あなたは進歩、木の家の増築、厩の建築、柵の建築のいずれかで支払う木材を1つ減らせる。 ⇒ May only be us…

Schnaps Distiller (1-5 players) K300 火酒作り

In the feeding phase of each harvest, you can convert up to 1 vegetable to 5 food. 収穫の食糧供給フェイズで、あなたは野菜最大1を食糧5に換えられる。 ⇒ You do not need a Fireplace A1/A2, Cooking Hearth A3/A4 or oven to convert the vegetable.…

Foreman (4-5 players) K308 職場長

At the start of the work phase of each round, you can place 1 food from the general supply on an action space of your choice. 各ラウンドの労働フェイズの開始時に、食糧1を共通のストックから取り、あなたの選んだアクションスペースに置くことがで…

Animal Breeder (4-5 players) K307 家畜飼い

Whenever you fence unused spaces to create at least one new pasture, you can buy a pair of animals: 2 sheep for 1 food, 2 wild boar for 2 food, or 2 cattle for 3 food. 未使用のスペースを柵で囲って新たな牧場を1つ以上作るたび、家畜のペアを1…

Animal Tamer (1-5 players) K306 調教師

You can keep 1 animal in each room of your home. You may keep more than 1 type of animal in your home. あなたの家の部屋1つにつき家畜を1匹飼える。また、家の中に2種類以上の家畜がいてもよい。 ⇒ Has no effect after you have bought a House Goat…

Animal Handler (4-5 players) K305 家畜主

Place 1 sheep on the space for round 7, 1 wild boar on round 10 and 1 cattle on round 14. At the start of these rounds, you can buy the animal for 1 food. ラウンド7のスペースに羊1を、ラウンド10のスペースに猪1を、ラウンド14のスペースに牛1を…


ようやく、職業の翻訳に入りますが、職業の翻訳では底本を Compendium v7.1 に変更します。というのも、小さい進歩を訳した感触として Compendium v2.3 は曖昧な記述も多く、また誤りも散見される状況でして、このまま v2.3 で作業を続けても最終的に v7.1 …

Animal Trainer (4-5 players) K342 猛獣使い

Whenever you take food from a "Travelling players" space, you may immediately use it to buy animals: Pay 2 food for each sheep or wild boar and 3 food for each cattle. 「小劇場」のスペースから食料を取るたび、それを家畜の購入に充てても良い…

Guildmaster (3-5 players) E341 ギルド長

You receive 4 wood when you acquire the Joinery A7 or play the Cabinetmaker I258. When you acquire the Pottery A8 or play the Potter E214, you receive 4 clay. When you acquire the Basketmaker's Workshop A9 or play the Basketmaker E183, you…

Rancher (4-5 players) I340 農夫

Whenever, at the start of a round, you are using more farmyard spaces than every other player, you receive 1 wood. 各ラウンドの開始時に、あなたが他のプレイヤー全員よりも多く農場を使用している場合、食料1を得る。 ⇒ If there is a tie, you get…

Fence Overseer (1-5 players) K312 柵見張り

Once each round, for a cost of 1 food, you can immediately fence a pasture of 1 farmyard space around a stable that you have just built. You do not need to pay wood for the fences. 各ラウンドに1回、あなたは厩を立てたときに食糧1を支払い、周…

Magician (4-5 players) K311 魔術使い

Whenever you use your last person to choose the "Travelling Players" action on an action space, you receive an additional 1 grain and 1 food. 最後の人を「小劇場」を含むアクションスペースに置いて「小劇場」のアクションを選ぶたび、追加で小麦1…

Resource Seller (1-5 players) K310 資材商人

Pile (from bottom to top) 1 stone, clay, stone, clay, reed, clay, wood on this card. You receive the top marker when you receive that type of building resource. このカードの上に、下から順に石材、レンガ、石材、レンガ、葦、レンガ、木材を重ね…

Weaver (4-5 players) K309 織工

Whenever you have at least 2 sheep at the start of the work phase of a round, you receive 1 food. 各ラウンドの労働フェイズの開始時に羊を2匹以上飼っていれば、食糧1を得る。 ⇒ Sheep that are on the board because of the Shepherd Boy K298, Shee…