



ゲーム会開催のたびに「持ってるゲーム教えて」と聞かれるのならいっそのこと公開してしまえばいいじゃないか! ということで所持しているゲームを並べてみました。 ゲームリスト 乗車券・ヨーロッパ(+拡張) 乗車券・メルクリン プエルトリコ ブロックス …

Schnaps Distillery I-98 火酒製造所

During the Feeding Phase of the Harvest, you can use the Schnaps Distillery to convert at most 1 Vegetable into 4 Food. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point each for your 5th and 6th Vegetables. 収穫の食糧供給フェイズで、あな…

Shepherd's Crook I-77 牧人の杖

Whenever you Fence a new pasture that covers at least 4 farmyard spaces, take 2 Sheep and place them in the new pasture. 4スペース以上を柵で囲って新たな牧場を作るたび、その牧場に羊2を置く。 ⇒ If you divide a pasture of more than 4 spaces i…

Shepherd's Pipe E-29 角笛

You can hold up to 2 additional Sheep in each of the pastures where you keep Sheep. You can keep up to 2 Sheep in each unfenced stable. 羊がいる牧場は、羊の収容能力が2増える。柵で囲われていない厩に、羊を2頭まで飼える。 ⇒ If you also have t…

Pottery 8 製陶所

In each Harvest, you can use the Pottery to convert at most 1 Clay to 2 Food. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 Bonus points for 3/5/7 Clay. 収穫のたび、あなたは製陶所を使ってレンガ最大1を食料2にできる。ゲーム終了時、レンガ3/5/7で…

Potato Dibber E-32 じゃがいも掘り

Whenever you sow Fields with Vegetables, place 1 additional Vegetable on each field that you Sow. あなたは畑に野菜を植えるたび、それらの畑に追加の野菜1を置く。 ⇒ Additional Vegetables are also placed on Bean Field, Turnip Field and Lettuce…

Private Forest E-45 個人の森

Place 1 Wood on each remaining even-numbered Round space. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Wood. これ以降の偶数ラウンドのスペースに木材1を置く。これらのラウンドの開始時に、その木材を得る。

Punner I-70 地固め機

Whenever another player uses the Harrow (Egge) or a Plow, you can immediately Plow 1 Field as well. (If you use the Harrow or a Plow yourself, you do not get any advantage.) 他のプレイヤーが鋤類か馬鍬を使ったとき、あなたも畑1を耕せる。(鋤…

Quarry E-54 石切り場

Whenever you use the "Day Labourer" Action space, you receive an additional 3 Stone. 「日雇い労働者」のアクションスペースを使うたび、石材3を追加で得る。

Raft E-22 いかだ

Whenever you use the "Fishing" Action space, you receive an additional 1 Food or 1 Reed. 「漁」のアクションスペースを使うたび、追加の葦1または食料1を得る。

Rake I-76 くまで

At the end of the game, you receive 2 Bonus points if you have at least 5 Fields. If you have played the Harrow, Punner, Yoke or one of the 5 Plows, you need to have at least 6 Fields. ゲーム終了時、あなたは5つ以上畑を耕していれば2点のボー…

Reed Exchange I-96 葦の交換

When you play this card, you receive 2 Reed. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand. このカードをプレイするとすぐに、葦2を得る。このカードはプレイ後、左隣のプレイヤーの手札に入る。 ⇒ You m…

Reed Hut K-138 葦の家

Place one Family member token that you have not yet brought into the game onto this card, where it will live for the rest of the game. It can take actions (starting from the round when you play this card) and must be fed, but is worth no p…

Reed Pond E-48 葦の池

Place 1 Reed each on the next 3 Round spaces. At the start of each Round, you receive the Reed. これ以降の3ラウンドのスペースにそれぞれ葦1を置く。これらのラウンドの開始時に、それらの葦を得る。

Riding Plow E-61 鋤車

Twice during the game, when you use either the "Plow Fields" or "Plow 1 Field and/or Sow" action, you can Plow 3 Fields instead of 1. ゲーム中に2回、「畑1を耕す」または「畑を耕して種をまく」のアクションで耕せる畑が、畑1でなく畑3になる。 ⇒ …

Sack Cart E-46 荷車

Place 1 Grain each on the spaces for Rounds 5, 8, 11 and 14. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the Grain. (訳注:まだ始まっていない)ラウンド5、8、11、14のスペースに小麦1を置く。これらのラウンドの開始時に、それらの小麦を得る。 ⇒ […

Sawhorse K-121 木挽き台

The next Stable you place in your farmyard, as well as your 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th fence, costs you nothing. 自分の農場に置く次の厩および3、6、9、12、15番目の柵はコストなしで作れるようになる。 ⇒ If you build free Fences in another wa…

Sawmill K-122 製材所

In each Harvest, you may convert up to 1 Wood to 3 Food. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 Bonus points for 2/4/5 Wood. 収穫のたび、あなたは木材最大1を食料3にできる。ゲーム終了時、木材2/4/5でボーナス1/2/3点を得る。 ⇒ After the Join…

Outhouse E-44 離れのトイレ

The Outhouse has no effect. You can only build it if at least one other player has fewer than 2 Occupations. (It is irrelevant how many Occupations you have played.) 離れのトイレは何の効果もない。他のプレイヤーの中に職業が2つ未満の人がいる…

Ox Team K-134 牛車

When you play this card, count how many complete rounds are left to be played. You can Plow this many Fields, up to a maximum of 3. このカードを出したらすぐに、まだ始まっていないラウンドの数を数える。その数だけ(ただし最大3)畑を耕せる。 ⇒…

Paved Road I-94 舗装道路

The player with the most valuable street receives 2 Bonus points when scoring. (This Paved Road is more valuable than both the Clay Path that cost 3 Clay and the Wooden Path that costs 1 Wood.) 最も価値の高い道を持つ者は2点のボーナス点を得…

Pelts K-339 毛皮

For each animal that you slaughter and return to the general supply, you may place 1 Food from your personal supply in 1 of your rooms. You may have a maximum of 1 Food in each room. You cannot use this Food any more, but each is worth 1 b…

Plane E-26 かんな

Whenever you turn 1 Wood into Food using the Joinery, Sawmill or Cabinetmaker, you receive 1 additional Food. You can choose instead to turn a second Wood into exactly 2 Food. 家具製作所、製材所、家具職人で木材1を食料に換えるたび、食料1を…

Planter Box I-90 プランター

Whenever you Sow, each of the fields that is orthogonally adjacent to a room in your home gets an additional 2 Grain or 1 Vegetable. あなたの家に隣接する畑(斜めは不可)に種をまくたび、それらの畑に追加の小麦2または野菜1を追加で置く。 ⇒ [No…

Milking Shed I-93 酪農場

In each Harvest, at the beginning of the Field phase, count the number of Sheep and Cattle on all the players' farms. You receive 1 Food for each fifth Sheep and for each third Cattle. 収穫の畑フェイズの最初に、全プレイヤーの農場の羊と牛の…

Milking Stool K-133 搾乳台

Whenever you have at least 1/3/5 Cattle during the Field phase of a Harvest, take 1/2/3 Food. At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for every 2 Cattle. 収穫の畑フェイズのたびに、あなたが飼っている牛1/3/5頭につき食料1/2/3を得る…

Millstone E-41 石臼

Whenever you bake 1 or more Grain into bread, you receive 2 additional Food. あなたは小麦を1つ以上パンにするたびに、追加で食料2を得る。 ⇒ With the Baker, you receive at most 2 additional Food in each Harvest. ⇒ パン職人と一緒に使った場合、…

Mini Pasture E-40 小牧場

When you play this card, immediately Fence one space in your farmyard. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand.(You do not need to pay Wood for the Fences.) このカードをプレイしたら、すぐに…

Moldboard Plow I-63 突き鋤

Twice during the game, when you use the "Plow 1 Field" action, you may Plow 2 Fields instead of 1. This does not apply to the "Plow 1 Field and/or Sow" action. ゲーム中に2回、あなたは「畑1を耕す」のアクションで畑1のかわりに畑2を耕せる。「…