Rake I-76 くまで

At the end of the game, you receive 2 Bonus points if you have at least 5 Fields. If you have played the Harrow, Punner, Yoke or one of the 5 Plows, you need to have at least 6 Fields.
⇒ [The Bean Field, Lettuce Patch, Turnip Field, and Acreage do not count as fields. Fields with more than one stack of grain because of the Scarecrow count as only 1 field.]
⇒ [マメ畑、レタス畑、カブ畑、平地は畑として数えない。Scarecrow によって2つの山がある畑であっても、畑1として数える。]
⇒ If you also played a plow, [Harrow, Punner, or Yoke,] but you discarded it for the Madonna Statue, the Rake counts as if the other improvement had not been played.
⇒ くまでと鋤類 [、馬鍬、地固め機、くびき] をプレイし、その後聖マリア像のプレイング・コストとして鋤類のほうを捨てた場合、ゲーム終了時のチェックでは、捨てた鋤類はプレイされていなかったものとみなす。
⇒ [If you played more than one of the listed improvements, you still need only 6 fields.]
⇒ [鋤類 、馬鍬、地固め機、くびきの中から複数枚をプレイしていた場合でも、必要な畑は6つでよい。]