Sawhorse K-121 木挽き台

The next Stable you place in your farmyard, as well as your 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th fence, costs you nothing.
⇒ If you build free Fences in another way (e.g. with the Hedge Cutter) you may not save the free Fences from the Sawhorse for another turn. [Free fences from the Sawhorse are built before the free fences from the Hedge Keeper.]
⇒ 別の方法(たとえば柵管理人)を使って柵を無料で作った場合、木挽き台で本来浮くはずだったコストを次回以降の手番に持ち越すことはできない。[柵管理人の効果を適用する前に、木挽き台の効果を適用して柵を置くこと。]
⇒ Fences may only be built to form completed pastures.
⇒ 柵は、牧場を完全に囲む形でしか置けない。