Pastoral Letter (Req 2 major imp.) M117 修道会の手紙

If the Well A10 has not yet been built, you can immediately place it under the Village Church M009. From next round, whenever you use a person to take an action, you can build the Village Church immediately afterwards by paying the required resources. The Village Church and the Church M132 are each worth 1 additional bonus point for you.
⇒ The Well and the Village Church swap places. [The Well cannot be acquired while it is covered by the Village Church.]
⇒ 井戸と村の教会の位置が入れ替わる。[井戸は、上にある村の教会が取り除かれたら建設可能となる。]
(注: 日本語版では、教会にボーナス1点がつくことには言及されていません。)