Peat Ash Fertilizer (Cost 1F.) M021 泥灰肥料

Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can place 1 additional grain on all fields and farmyard spaces where grain is growing. In addition, you can place 1 additional vegetable on all fields and farmyard spaces where vegetables are planted.
⇒ You receive nothing for empty fields.
⇒ 何も植えていない畑については、何も起こらない。
⇒ [Does not count as a sowing action.]
⇒ [この行為は「種をまく」のアクションではない。]
⇒ [Is optional, but if you choose to add grain, you have to add them to all your grain fields, and if you choose to add vegetables, you have to add them to all your vegetable fields.]
⇒ [泥灰肥料の能力の起動はオプションであるが、小麦を置くと決めたら、対象となる畑すべてに小麦を置くこと。野菜についても同様。]