
Carpenter (1-5 players) E218 大工

To extend your home, you need only 3 of the appropriate resource and 2 reed for each new room. 増築するとき、あなたは対応する建築資材3つと葦2で増築できる。 ⇒ For example, if you live in a wooden hut, you need 3 wood and 2 reed. ⇒ たとえば…

Reeve (3-5 players) E217 代官

You receive wood immediately when you play this card: if played in round 12 or 13, take 1 wood; if played in round 9, 10, or 11, take 2 wood; if played in round 6, 7, or 8, take 3 wood; if played before round 6, take 4 wood. At the end of …

Animal Keeper (4-5 players) E216 家畜守

You can keep sheep, wild boar and cattle in the same pasture. あなたは、羊、猪、牛を同じ牧場で飼うことができる。 ⇒ This applies to all your pastures except the Forest Pasture K145. ⇒ この効果は、森の牧場(K145)を除くすべての牧場に対して有効…

Tenant Farmer (4-5 players) E215 家畜小作人

You immediately receive a loan of one of each type of animal. Before scoring, return the 3 animals. For each animal that you cannot or do not want to return, you lose 1 point. あなたはただちに、それぞれの種類の家畜を1匹ずつ共通のストックか…

Potter (3-5 players) E214 陶工

In each harvest, the Potter can convert up to 1 clay to 2 food. 収穫のたび、陶工はレンガ最大1つを食糧2に換えられる。