Straw-thatched Roof I-99 わら小屋

You no longer need Reed when you extend or renovate your home.
⇒ Grain Fields are Fields or improvement cards on which there is at least 1 Grain marker. An empty, Harvested Field does not count as a Grain Field.
⇒ 小麦畑は、小麦マーカーが1つ以上置かれている畑や進歩のことをいう。収穫済みの空の畑は小麦畑ではない。
⇒ [You may use other cards that change the costs of a room or a renovation together with the Strawthatched Roof for the same action.]
⇒ [増築や改築のコストを変更する他のカードと効果を併用しても良い。]