Cattle Collar (1VP. Cost 1W. Not before round 8.) M017 牛の首輪

Whenever you use the "Plough Field" action or the "Slash and Burn" special action, you can immediately place 1 additional field tile on an empty farmyard space. To do this, you must have at least 1 cattle in your farm.
⇒ [Is activated on both the "Plough 1 Field" and the "Plough Field and Sow" action spaces, and when you plough a field using a card.]
⇒ [「畑1を耕す」「畑を耕して種をまく」のどちらのアクションスペースでも、牛の首輪の能力は起動する。]
⇒ [Is not activated by Peat Burn-off M016 or Surveyor's Map M018.]
⇒ [焼畑栽培(M016)、不動産地図(M018)では牛の首輪の能力は起動しない。]
⇒ [You can only use this card once per turn to place 1 extra field, even if you plough several fields at once.]
⇒ [1回で複数の畑を耕したとしても、牛の首輪の能力で追加の畑1を置く行為はあなたの手番1回につき1度だけしかできない。]
⇒ [You may use the "Slash and Burn" action to create a field that does not border your other fields, as long as the extra field from the Cattle Collar connects all of your fields.]
⇒ [牛の首輪の能力で最終的にすべての畑がつながるようにできるのであれば、「焼畑」のアクションで畑を作るときには既存の畑と隣接していなくともよい。]
⇒ [Placing the additional field does not count as ploughing.]
⇒ [牛の首輪の能力で追加の畑1を置く行為は、「畑を耕す」ではない。]