Edge of the Forest (Req 3 imp.) M096 森のはずれ

For each border between a forest tile and a field in your farmyard, you receive 1 food. For each border between a forest tile and a moor tile in your farmyard, you receive 1 fuel. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand.
⇒ Borders are the spaces where you could place a fence.
⇒ 境界とは、柵を置ける部分のことをいう。
⇒ [In a solo game, this card is removed from the game after you play it.]
⇒ [ソリティアゲームでは、このカードはプレイ後にゲームから取り除く。]
⇒ [If a farmyard space contains 2 tiles, only the topmost tile counts for this card.]
⇒ [農場スペースにタイルが重ねて2枚置かれている場合、森のはずれの効果を適用する際には一番上にあるタイルのみを使う。]