
Lawn Turf (Req 4 imp.) M099 芝泥炭

If you have at least 3 unused spaces on your farmyard, you immediately receive 1 fuel for each unused space except the first 2, up to a maximum of 5 fuel. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their h…

Winter Storehouse (Cost 1W 2C.) M098 野営地

Place 3 usage counters on this card. At any time (even while you are taking an action) you can return 1 usage counter and take fuel and food from the supply until you have at least 2 fuel and 2 food. このカードの上にカウンターを3枚置く。い…

Ecological Niche M097 ビオトープ

If there is at least one type of animal that only you own, you receive 2 food. If you are the only player who has planted grain, you receive 1 food. If you are the only player who has planted vegetables, you receive 1 food. You receive 1 f…

Edge of the Forest (Req 3 imp.) M096 森のはずれ

For each border between a forest tile and a field in your farmyard, you receive 1 food. For each border between a forest tile and a moor tile in your farmyard, you receive 1 fuel. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your lef…

Peat Bath (1 VP. Cost 1W 1C.) M095 泥風呂

Whenever you use the "Infirmary" action space with a person, count how many moor tiles are in your farmyard. Place 1 food on the next remaining round space(s) up to that number. At the beginning of those rounds, you receive the food. あな…

Hay Wagon (1VP. Cost 2W. Req 2 horses.) M094 干草用荷車

Immediately after you take 3 wood, 3 clay, 2 reed, or 2 stone from an action space, you can take a "Build room(s)" or "Renovate" action without placing a person. あなたは、木材3、レンガ3、葦2、石2のいずれかをアクションスペースから取ったあ…

Fallow Land (Req 2 imp.) M093 休閑地

Whenever you use the "Fell Trees" or "Cut Peat" special actions to clear a space in your farmyard, place 1 Food on the space. You receive the food when the space is no longer empty. あなたは、特別アクション「木を切り倒す」「泥炭を掘る」を…

Loan (1VP. Cost 2F.) M092 借用書

At the start of each harvest, shuffle all the start cards and draw 1. The start cards are numbered from 1 to 9. If the number on the card is equal to or less than the amount of clay you have in your supply, the 2 food that you paid are ret…

Fish Smokehouse (2VP. Cost 1W 2C.) M091 燻製所

Whenever you use the "Fishing" action space, you can pay 1 fuel to receive an additional 3 food. あなたは「漁」のアクションスペースを使うたび、燃料1を支払えば追加で食糧3を得る。

Wild Harvest M090 森の果物

You immediately receive 1 food. At the start of each harvest, shuffle all the start cards and draw 1. The start cards are numbered from 1 to 9. If the number on the card is equal to or less than the number of forest tiles in your farmyard,…