
Home Wood (Req 3 imp.) M026 保護林

With this improvement, you can keep 1 animal (except a sheep) on each of your forest tiles. あなたは、自分の農場の森タイル1つにつき家畜1頭(ただし羊を除く)を飼えるようになる。 ⇒ [If a farmyard space contains 2 tiles, only the topmost tile c…

Special Pasture (Cost 2W. Req 1 pasture.) M025 特別牧場

Immediately fence 1 empty farmyard space (or a farmyard space with a stable) with 4 fences. You need not pay wood for these. The fenced space may not border your existing pastures. ただちに、未使用スペース1区画分(もしくは、柵で囲われていな…

Large Livestock Market (Cost 1F.) M024 家畜大市場

You can immediately exchange 2 sheep for 1 cattle and 1 horse. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. あなたはただちに、羊2頭を牛1頭と馬1頭に換えられる。このカードはプレイ後、左隣のプレイヤ…

Ploughhorse Market (1VP. Cost 1C. Req 1 major imp.) M023 農耕馬市場

Whenever you use a person to take a "Plough fields" action, you can buy 1 horse for 1 food immediately afterwards. あなたは、人を使って「畑を耕す」のアクションを行うたび、続けて食糧(最大)1を払って馬1頭を買える。 ⇒ This does not include the…

Nosebag (Cost 1F. Req 1 major imp.) M022 麦袋

Whenever you use the "Take 1 Grain" action, you also receive 1 horse. あなたは「小麦1を取る」のアクションを行うたび、馬1頭を得る。 ⇒ [Is only activated by taking the "Take 1 Grain" action space.] ⇒ [麦袋の能力が起動するのは、「小麦1を取る…

Peat Ash Fertilizer (Cost 1F.) M021 泥灰肥料

Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can place 1 additional grain on all fields and farmyard spaces where grain is growing. In addition, you can place 1 additional vegetable on all fields and farmyard spaces where vegetables…

Peat Fertilizer (Req 2 fields.) M020 泥炭肥料

Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can immediately take a "Sow" action. あなたは特別アクション「泥炭を掘る」を行うたび、続けて「種をまく」のアクションを行ってよい。

Sowing Machine (1VP. Cost 3W. Req 1 horse.) M019 種まき機

Whenever you use a special action, you may immediately take a "Sow" action as long as you have at least 2 horses. あなたは特別アクションを行うたび、続けて「種をまく」のアクションを行ってもよい。ただし馬を2頭以上飼っていること。 ⇒ [The sowi…

Surveyor's Map (Cost 3F. Not after round 2.) M018 不動産地図

Place a field tile on the space for round 11, a moor tile on round 12, and a forest tile on round 13. At the start of the rounds, you must either place the tile on an empty space in your farm or return it to the supply. ラウンド11に畑タイ…

Cattle Collar (1VP. Cost 1W. Not before round 8.) M017 牛の首輪

Whenever you use the "Plough Field" action or the "Slash and Burn" special action, you can immediately place 1 additional field tile on an empty farmyard space. To do this, you must have at least 1 cattle in your farm. あなたは「畑を耕す」…

Peat Burn-off M016 焼畑栽培

You immediately receive 1 fuel. In addition you can (optionally) immediately exchange 1 moor tile for a field tile. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. あなたはただちに燃料1を得る。さら…

Fallow Fields M015 休閑地

Place 2 food on each of up to 3 empty fields. You cannot harvest the food. You receive it when you sow in the fields. 空いている畑3つまでに、それぞれ食料2を置く。これらの食料は収穫できない。対象の畑に種をまいたら、あなたはその食糧を得る。

アグリコラ泥沼の進歩(Compendium v8.0 準拠)の翻訳が終わりました

ひとまず、お疲れ様でした>自分。さて、翻訳してみた結果、日本語版カードテキストと Compendium のカードテキスト部分(Compendiumの独自注釈を除いたもの)で8カ所の差異が見つかっています。あとで探し出すのも手間なので、ここに一覧形式でまとめてみます…

Pot Roast Recipe (Req 2 horses.) M029 ローストのレシピ

You can use the Fireplace A1/A2 or Cooking Hearth A3/A4 major improvements to convert horses to food. You receive 2 food for each horse. あなたは、大きい進歩のかまど(A1/A2)か調理場(A3/A4)を使って、馬を食糧に換えられる。馬1頭につき食糧2。 ⇒…

Draughthorses M047 運び馬

Whenever you take exactly 3 wood from an action space, you can pay 1 food to receive 1 additional wood. Whenever you take 4 or more wood from an action space, you can pay 1 food to receive 2 additional wood. To do either of these, you must…

Oven Damper (Cost 2S.) M046 暖炉換気設備

You immediately receive 3 fuel. The Clay Oven A5, Stone Oven A6, Furnace M007 and Heating Stove M008 major improvements and the Built-in Oven M044 minor improvement are each worth 1 additional bonus point to you. あなたはただちに燃料3を得…

Coal Seam (1VP. Cost 1W 1C.) M045 石炭層

You immediately receive 1 fuel. Whenever you use the "Hiring Fair" special action or the "Day Labourer" action space, you also receive 1 fuel. あなたはただちに燃料1を得る。あなたは特別アクション「労働市場」を行う、または「日雇い労働者」の…

Built-in Oven (Return Furnace. -1VP.) M044 暖炉設備

You no longer need to pay any heating costs. あなたは暖房コストがいっさい不要となる。 ⇒ The Furnace M007 is found under the Clay Oven A5. ⇒ 高熱暖炉(M007)は、レンガ暖炉(A5)の下にある。 ⇒ [Is not an oven.] ⇒ [これは暖炉ではない。] ⇒ [The po…

Spinning Mill (2VP. Cost 2W 2C. Req 1 sheep.) M043 紡績場

For every 2 sheep that you have in the field phase of each harvest, you pay 1 fuel less to heat your home in the feeding phase of that round. 各収穫の畑フェイズで、あなたの飼っている羊2頭につき、続く食糧供給フェイズで供給する燃料が1少なく…

Peat Iron (Cost 1W.) M042 泥炭スコップ

Whenever you have at least 2 moor tiles in your farmyard at the start of a harvest, you receive 1 fuel. 収穫のはじめに、あなたの農場に沼地タイルが2つ以上あれば、あなたは燃料1を得る。 ⇒ [If a farmyard space contains 2 tiles, only the topmos…

Peat Sled (Cost 1W.) M041 泥炭そり

Add your choice of 2, 4, 7, or 10 to the current round number. On the corresponding round space, place 3, 4, 5, or 6 fuel (depending on which number you added). At the start of that round, you receive the fuel. 現在のラウンドに2/4/7/10のい…

Peat Barge (1VP. Cost 2W.) M040 泥炭の小舟

Whenever you use the "Fishing" action, you also receive 2 fuel. あなたは「漁」のアクションを行うたび、燃料2を追加で得る。

Barge (1VP. Cost 3W. Req 2 imp.) M039 小舟

Place, alternately, 1 fuel or 1 food on each remaining round space, beginning with 1 fuel. At the start of each round, you receive the token. まだ始まっていないラウンドのスペースに、燃料1と食糧1を、燃料1から始めて交互に置く。これらのラウン…

Birthing House (2VP. Cost 2C 1S.) M038 産院

Whenever you use any "family growth" action, you receive 1 bonus point as well as 1 fuel and 1 food. あなたは「家族を増やす」のアクションを行うたび、食糧1、燃料1およびボーナス1点を得る。 ⇒ This includes improvements and occupations that al…

Arid Field (Req 3 imp.) M037 乾燥地

Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, place 1 fuel and 1 food from the general supply on the emptied farmyard space. You receive the token once the space is no longer empty. あなたは特別アクション「泥炭を掘る」を行うたび、燃料1と…

Healing Clay (1VP. Cost 1C.) M036 泥薬

You immediately receive 1 food. Whenever you take the "Infirmary" action with a person who is marked with a bed token, you receive 1 additional food. あなたはただちに食糧1を得る。あなたは、ベッドマーカーのある人で「病院」のアクションを行う…

Village Hall (1VP. Cost 2W 2C.) M035 村の公民館

In each round where you finish the work phase without a special action card in front of you, you receive 1 food during the returning home phase, 各ラウンドで、特別アクションカードが自分の前に置かれていない状態で労働フェイズを終えるたび、あ…

Chimney Hood (Cost 1C.) M034 煙突

You immediately receive as much food as you would receive from one of your baking improvements if you baked 1 grain into bread. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to their hand. あなたはただちに、持っ…

Malthouse (1VP. Cost 2C.) M033 脱穀場

Whenever you use the "Cut Peat" special action, you can also convert 1 grain to 4 food. あなたは特別アクション「泥炭を掘る」を行うたび、小麦(最大)1を食糧4に換えられる。

Pheromones (Req max 2 imp.) M032 畜産援助

You immediately receive 1 food. In addition, each player who has at least one stable or pasture receives 2 food. あなたはただちに食糧1を得る。さらに、厩か牧場が1つ以上あるプレイヤーは全員食糧2を得る。